Web Map Service (WMS) (specification), (Wikipedia entry) provides access to raster map visualizations by WMS-clients, e.g. Qgis.

RSDB web interface provides generated WMS layer URLs at “Layer”-tab - “RasterDBs”-layer detail-view - “Applications”-section - “WMS Access”-Button.

WMS access point: single layer

With one URL you can access one RasterDB layer. Bands and times are selectable within WMS client.

URL structure: You need to replace LAYER_ID with your chosen RasterDB layer ID.



examples with RasterDB layers layer1 and my_layer

Qgis WMS configuration

Qgis does not support “HTTP digest authentication” (in RSDB default at HTTP for security reasons). If you are using HTTP you need to specify “HTTP basic authentication” in config.yaml http_authentication: basic

At HTTPS “HTTP basic authentication” is always used (supported by Qgis).

Add URL of RSDB to Qgis:

At Qgis main window section Browser right click on item WMS/WMTS - left click menu item New Connection

At the Create a New WMS/WMTS Connection dialog…

Type a Name for your connection and your RSDB WMS URL.

(if RSDB login is activated) At section Authentication - Configuration click (+) to add a new Authentication.

At the Authentication dialog…

Type a name of your authentication, choose Basic authentication, type RSDB Username and Password, click Save. (you can reuse your authentication for multiple WMS entries)

Back at the Create a New WMS/WMTS Connection dialog click OK

Your new item on WMS/WMTS in Browser appears. Click on the arrow symbol to open subitems. Double-click to open an (sub-)sub-item as Qgis layer.

Troubleshooting Qgis WMS:

Qgis may cache several data without reload from source: authentication settings, connection settings, network settings, raster data. To clear cache go to main menu Settting - Options - Network section Cache settings - Content click basket-button, Authentication click Clear...cache-button. Additionally you may restart Qgis.

WMS access point: full collection (obsolete)

With one URL you can access all RasterDB layers, but depending on WMS client you can not choose bands or times within a layer.

Initial connection may take up to one minute, if it is first connect after server start as all layer meta data needs to be loaded.

URL structure:


