Tasks of category task_rasterdb
Note: More tasks are present on the web interface.
task_rasterdb | description |
create | create new rasterdb layer |
task_rasterdb: “create”
create new rasterdb layer
name | value |
rasterdb | rasterdb layer name (delete if existing and create new) |
pixel_size | (optional, but recommended) pixel size: one number for both x,y-coordinates or two numbers [x, y]) |
offset | (optional) internal offset to crs origin: two numbers [x, y] |
code | (optional) crs code: should be an EPSG code |
proj4 | (optional) PROJ4 text |
{task_rasterdb: "create", rasterdb: "indices", pixel_size: [5, 5], offset: [100, 100], code: "EPSG:25832", proj4: "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs "}