Tasks of category task_pointcloud
Note: More tasks are present on the web interface.
task_pointcloud | description |
import | import point cloud data files |
rasterize | create visualization raster from points |
task_pointcloud: “import”
Import all *.las and *.laz files at a folder (and subfolders) on the server into a new PointCloud layer.
name | value |
pointcloud | ID of new PointCloud layer (target). format: layer ID example: pointcloud1 |
source | Folder with *.las / *.laz files to import (located on server) (recursive). format: path example: las/folder1 |
epsg | EPSG projection code (If epsg is left empty and proj4 parameter is set a automatic epsg search will be tried. Note: multiple EPSG may refer to one proj4). format: number example: 25832 |
proj4 | PROJ4 projection (If proj4 is left empty and epsg parameter is set a automatic proj4 generation will be tried.). format: text example: +proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs |
rect | Only points inside of rect are imported - prevents import of points with erroneous x,y coordinates. format: list of coordinates: xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax example: 609000.1, 5530100.7, 609094.1, 5530200.9 |
cellsize | Size of cells. format: number example: 10 default: 100 -> 100 meter |
cellscale | Resolution of points. format: number example: 1000 default: 100 -> resolution of points 1/100 = 0.01 meter |
storage_type | Storage type of new PointCloud. format: RasterUnit or TileStorage default: TileStorage |
transactions | Use power failer safe (and slow) PointCloud operation mode (obsolete for TileStorage). format: true or false default: false |
{ task_pointcloud: "import", pointcloud: "pointcloud1", source: "/media/folder/lasfolder", epsg: "25832", proj4: "+proj=utm +zone=32 +ellps=GRS80 +towgs84=0,0,0,0,0,0,0 +units=m +no_defs " }
task_pointcloud: “rasterize”
create visualization raster from points
name | value |
pointcloud | source: pointcloud layer name (needs to be existing) |
rasterdb | target: rasterdb layer name (delete if existing and create new) |
transactions | (optional, default: true) true/false (true: processed part of data will be accessible when server is terminated in middle of operation, false: processing is faster) |
{task_pointcloud: "rasterize", pointcloud: "cloud", rasterdb: "cloud_rasterized", transactions: false}