Server Installation

RSDB server can be run on Windows or on Ubuntu. Ubuntu is preferred for multi-user usage over network. Windows may be more easy to use for local single user usage. (Other Linux distributions may work too.)

Quick start with download of RSDB example distribution.

Or download release package.

Windows 10 64bitPermalink

Needed dependencies are Java and GDAL which are included in the RSDB example distribution but not in release packages.

Java: Either Java system installation (Java 8 or newer, JRE or JDK) needs to be present or Java files need to be located at subfolder of this package at folder java. (For RSDB example distribution the java-folder is included already.)

GDAL with Java bindings: GDAL 2.x.x, (not GDAL 3) needs to be located at subfolder gdal. Make sure to use GDAL 2 versions, GDAL 1 and GDAL 3 are not supported currently. (For RSDB example distribution the gdal-folder is included already.)

Extract zip-file to a short path without spaces, e.g. C:/rsdb

Files of patten win_*.cmd are executable for Windows.

Doubleclick win_server.cmd to run RSDB server. Wait a few seconds until “Server running..” is printed on the terminal. To stop close the console window or press ctrl-c.

Web-interface: Per default your local RSDB server is running at

Consult the RSDB wiki if you encounter issues.


Execute following commands on terminal (bash).

# (optional) show Ubuntu Version
lsb_release -a

# update package sources
sudo apt update

# install Java
sudo apt-get install default-jdk

# check if Java is installed and show Java version
java -version

# install library connection GDAL to Java
# If libgdal-java is not available for your os,
# you need to insert libgdal-java manually,
# see wiki below.
sudo apt install libgdal-java

# copy zip-archiv to a new folder

# go to new folder with zip-archiv

# extract zip-archiv

# mark sh-files as executable
# Files of patten `*.sh` are executable for Ubuntu.
chmod +x *.sh

# Start server in direct mode.
# To stop server and go back to commandline: press keys "ctrl-c".
./ server

Web-interface: Per default your local RSDB server is running at

Consult the RSDB wiki if you encounter issues.

If libgdal-java is not available for your os, see in wiki: Unable to locate package libgdal-java

Other Linux distributionsPermalink

You may translate instructions of RSDB installation to other Linux distribution commands.

Additionally you may need to modify to point to correct paths of other Linux distributions.

Currently is prepared for Ubuntu and for Fedora.