R package: rTubeDB

rTubeDB is an R package to connect to TubeDB server.

Installation from GitHub

# Install rTubeDB package and automatically install updated versions.
# In some cases a restart of R is needed to work with a updated version of rTubeDB package (in RStudio - Session - Terminate R).
if(!require('remotes')) install.packages("remotes")
if(!require('httr')) install.packages('httr')
# get documentation

Usage example

# load package

#show rTubeDB package documentation

# open TubeDB server connection
tubedb <- rTubeDB::TubeDB(url="", user="user", password="password")

# get regions/projects as data.frame
regionDF <- rTubeDB::query_regions(tubedb)

# get plots of one region as data.frame
plotDF <- rTubeDB::query_region_plots(tubedb, "BALE")

# get all sensors of all plots of one region as data.frame
sensorDF <- rTubeDB::query_region_sensors(tubedb, "BALE")

# get climate time series of two sensors over two plots with default processing at full time span as data.frame
tsDF <- rTubeDB::query_timeseries(tubedb, plot=c("BALE001", "BALE002"), sensor=c("Ta_200", "rH_200"), datetimeFormat="POSIXlt")

# show time series
plot(tsDF$datetime, tsDF$Ta_200)
