Web Interface

The main-page lists specific pages and an information-box. At web interface, on each page, with “?”-Button, usage instructions can be displayed.

(image: Web-interface main-page)

In “Infobox” content of file webFiles/info.html is displayed.

visualisation - visualisation of climate data

(image: Web-interface visualisation)

export - download time series data

(image: Web-interface export)

map - interactive map of plots

(image: Web-interface map) (image: Web-interface map plot)

status - interactive detailed up-to-date status of plots

(image: Web-interface status)

source catalog - interactive catalog of imported data files

(image: Web-interface catalog)

auxiliary files - supplementary content

(image: Web-interface supplement)

Files and folders in webFiles/supplement/ at TubeDB root folder can be viewed and downloaded here.
